• > market segment - a group of people, like women in their 20's


a. Market research - analyzing the market situation

b. Saturate a market - the market is completely flooded with products

c. Market niche - a small, specific area of trade

d. Domestic market - home market


1. Market research has shown a huge demand for environmentally friendly products.

2. Our product is very popular on the domestic market.

3. The Polish market has been saturated by cheap clothing from Asia.

4. What market segment does your product target?

5. We have found a market niche for our new line of products.

  • > install - to put sth in a position (zainstalować)
  • > infrastructure - a basic system of services that enables a country to function effectively (infrastruktura)
  • > sustain - to maintain (utrzymać)
  • > network - a system of the same parts connected together to communicate or work better (sieć)
  • > fulfillment - to do sth that one wanted to do or did because it was necessary (spełnienie)
  • > maintenance - to keep sht in good condition (utrzymać w dobrym stanie)
  • > unprecedented - never happening or existing in the past (nigdy wcześniej niewystępujące)
  • > ubiquities - being in all places (pojawiające się wszędzie)
  • > combat - to fight (zwalczać)


1. Fast food outlets are .................. all over the world.

2. The economy will ..................... its growth in the next year.

3. Due to bad .................... foreign companies do not want to build plants in this region.

4. We need to .................... terrorism.

5. Our computer ...... system has broken down many times during the last week.

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