- Atstake - likely to be lost or damaged/ destroyed if something fails (ryzykowne)

  • - A stake in sth - the part of a business you own because you have invested money (udział w firmie)
  • - Stakeholder - a person/company that has invested in a business and owns part of it (udziałowiec)

  • 1. They took a 50% stake in the car business.
  • 2. Our reputation is at stake here. Do something about it!
  • 3. Every month there is a meeting of the company's stakeholders.

  • - faculties - a group of departments in a university that specialize in a
  • - particular subject (wydział na uniwesytecie)
  • - impressive - sth which is large, very important (imponujący)
  • - favoured by - liked by (faworyzowany)
  • - subsidiaries - companies that is owned by a larger company (przedstawicielstwo)
  • - branches- offices or groups that form part of a large business organization (oddział/filia)
  • - borders - lines around something, dividing or seperating (granica) major in - to study in a particular field (specjalizacja)


Complete the gaps with words from the text.

  • 1. The Place of Culture is quite an ..................... building.
  • 2. We arrived at the ...................... and saw a long line of cars trying to cross to the other side.
  • 3. The university has a large number of .....................to choose from.
  • 4. What do you ....................? Biology.
  • 5. Where is your local bank .............?

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