- Pursue - to attempt to follow a plan or activity in order to achieve it, over a longer period of time (dążyć)

  • 1. to try very hard to persuade someone to accept a job
  • 2. to try very hard to persuade someone to try and have a relationship with you
  • 3. to follow sth or sb usually to try to catch or kill them

  • 1. The company had been pursuing Mr. Smith but so far he as refused signing the contract.
  • 2. Tom has been pursuing Cathy for the last 3 months without any success.
  • 3. The police were pursuing the criminals.
  • 4. He was pursuing a career in advertising.

  • - scurry - to move quickly, with small short steps (bieganie z miejsca na miejsce)
  • - idly - a moment where there is no work or activity (leniwie)
  • - overwhelming - very great (przytłaczający, ogromny)
  • - toughest - very difficult (trudny)
  • - prevalence - existing very commonly or happening frequently (powszechne występowanie)
  • - constraints - something that limits what you can do (ograniczenie)
  • - quality time - the time you spend with your children (czas poświęcony dzieciom)


Complete the gaps with words from the text.

  • 1. The noise of the fireworks explosion sent the guests ................. back to the hotel.
  • 2. Don't just sit there .................., do something!
  • 3. She was ...................... by the crowd of reporters outside her house.
  • 4. The ....................... of smoking among teenagers is extremely high.
  • 5. I can't go with you on Saturday, because that's my ................. with my kids.

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