
self-employed - not working for an employer but finding work for yourself or having your own business (niezależny, samo zatrudniony)


self-confident - having confidence in oneself, one's abilities (pewny siebie)
self-awareness - the state of knowing one's own character, feelings (samoświadomość)
self-made - having become successful, rich by one's own efforts (człowiek, który zrobił karierę)


1. After being dismissed from the office I decided to become self-employed.
2. I need to learn to be more self-confident.
3. His self-awareness is very poor. He needs to be told about his bad traits.
4. Joan is a self-made millionaire.


Adept - having a natural ability to do something that needs skills (biegły)
Temporarily - for the time being (tymczasowo)
Adopting - to accept and start using something new (przyswajać sobie)
Unprecedented - never having happened or existed in the past (bezprecedensowy)
Breathtaking - extremely exciting (zapierający dech)
Assuring - telling someone that something is true (zapewnić)
Cerebral - demanding careful reasoning rather than feelings (intelektualny)
Counterparts - a person or thing that has the same purpose as another one in a different place (odpowiednik)