
renowned - famous (sławny)

acclaimed - uznany, wybitny
distinguished - wybitny, dystyngowany
prominent - wybitny, ważny


  • 1. The mountain region is renowned for it breath-taking views.
  • 2. Mrożek is an acclaimed write.
  • 3. We have no doubts that this artist has had a distinguished career.
  • 4. The eldest son is a prominent member of the Royal family.

desire - to want something very strongly (pragnienie, pożądanie)
doses - a measured amount of something such as medicine (dawki)
swallowing - to move something from your mouth to your stomach (połykać)
deserved - describes something that you are given because of your good behaviour or qualities (zasłużony)
generosity - willing to give more than is expected (wspaniałomyślność, hojność)
approval - to have a positive opinion of someone or something (aprobata, zgoda, akceptacja)
devote - to give all of your time, effort to something you believe in or to a person (poświęcać)
contagious - describes a disease that can be caught by touching someone with the disease(zakaźny)