
attach - to join or connect (dołączyć)


attachment -a document joined to a file or email (załącznik)
attachyourself to sb/sth - to join yourself to a person /group for a limited period of time (przyłączyć się)


1. I wasn't able to open the attachment because of a virus threat.
2. Use this rope to attach the boat to the pier.
3. Being all alone he decided to attach himself to the group of Harley bike riders.


prosperous - successful, by earning a lot of money (dobrze prosperujący)
inhabitants - a person or animal that live in a particular place (mieszkaniec)
GDP - gross domestic product (produkt krajowy brutto)
entitlement - something that you have the right to do or have (uprawnienie)
annual - every year (roczny)
automotive - relating to road vehicles (przemysł samochodowy)
attire - clothes of a formal type (strój)
insteadof - in place of something else (zamiast)