
jumpship - to leave a job or activity suddenly before it is finished (pracować dla konkurencji)


Jump  the  queue - to move in front of people who have been waiting longer than you (wepchnąć się do kolejki)
Jump for joy - to be very happy about something good (skakać z radości)
Jump the gun - to do something too soon, not thinking about it carefully (pośpieszyć się)


He was offered a high salary to jump ship. Sue was jumping for joy when she found out she was pregnant. He jumped the gun saying he wants to quit. Later he regretted it. You can't jump the queue, you have to wait your turn.

  • fiercest - strong and powerful (najgwałtowniejszy)
  • robust - strong and healthy (silny, krzepki)
  • beefing up - to make something stronger and more important (wzmocnić, ulepszyć)
  • whining - to complain and express dissatisfaction (narzekać)
  • empowerment - giving someone authority or freedom to do something (uprawnienie)
  • forecasts - to predict (przewidzieć)
  • be in the driving seat - to be in control (kontrolować sytuacje)
  • accountable - to be completely responsible for what one does (odpowiedzialny)