
motherhood - the state or time of being a mother (macierzyństwo)


parenthood - the time of being a parent (rodzicielstwo)

brotherhood - members of a particular organization or friendship (braterstwo) childhood - the time when someone is a child (dzieciństwo)


The prospect of parenthood filled them with joy. Jane wasn't ready for motherhood, as she was thinking of a career. I had a wonderful childhood. It would be perfect to live in peace and brotherhood.


occupying - to take control and/or possession of a place (zajmować, okupować)

sought-after - wanted by many people, usually of high quality (poszukiwany)

contend with - to have to deal with an unpleasant situation (zmagać się z, borykać się z)

miss out on - not to get something that you want or would enjoy (stracić)

maternity leave - the time when a mother is legally allowed to be absent from work (urlop macierzyński)

incompatible - not being able to exist with another person or thing (niekompatybilny)

devote - to give all of something like your time, effort (poświęcać się)