
CEO - chief executive officer


asap - as soon as possible (jak najszybciej)
attn. - attention (uwaga)
corp. - corporation (przedsiębiorstwo)
encl. - enclosed (zawarte)
GDP - gross domestic product (dochód narodowy brutto)
N/A - not available (niedostępne)
PTO - please turn over (odwrócić)

  • tool - something that helps you do a particular activity (narzędzie)
  • advancement - to move something forward, to improve or develop something (awans)
  • rigorous - forceful, obedient following of rules (rygorystyczny)
  • assignments - a piece of work given to somebody, as part of their studies or job (zadania, projekty)
  • Intricacies -complicated details (skomplikowanie, zawiłość)
  • commitment -when you are willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in (zaangażowanie)
  • extravagant - spending, using or doing more than necessary in an uncontrolled way (kosztowny, wygórowany)