
Consumer - a person who buys services or goods for their own use (konsument, odbiorca)


Consumerprotection - the protection of buyers of goods and services against low quality or dangerous products and advertisements that deceive people (ochrona konsumenta)

Consumersociety - a society in which people frequently buy new goods, especially goods which are not essential, and which places a high value on owning many things (społeczeństwo konsumpcyjne)

  • dazzled - if you are dazzled by someone or something you think it is extremely exciting and good (oczarowany, oslepiony)
  • astonished - to be surprised very much (zdziwiony)
  • obvious -clear, easy to see, recognize or understand (oczywiste)
  • bilateral -involving two groups or countries (obustronny; dwustronny; wzajemny; obopólny)
  • scores - marks, grades you receive at school (ocena, wynik)
  • enroll - to put yourself on an official list of members of a course, college or group (zapisać się)
  • biases - a tendency to support or oppose a group, person in an unfair way by allowing your personal opinion to influence your judgment (uprzedzenie, nastawienie)