
Unfavorable - showing that you don't like or approve of something or someone (nieprzychylny)


a favor - a kind action you do for someone (przysluga)

speakinsomebody'sfavor - to state your support for someone (popierać kogoś)

inyourfavor - when something is in your favor it gives you an advantage (miec przewage)

  • Treatment - the way you deal with or behave towards something or somebody (obchodzenie, obejęcie się, traktowanie)
  • Disabled -lacking one or more of the physical or mental abilities that most people have (niepełnosprawny)
  • Prohibits - to officially forbid something (zakazywanie)
  • Subordinates - having a lower or less important position (podwładny, podległy)
  • Unlawful -not allowed by law (bezprawny)
  • Undermine - to make something less confident, powerful, or weaken gradually (przedstawiać w złym świetle)
  • Penalizing - to punish somebody for breaking a rule (karać)
  • Combat - to try to stop something harmful from happening or increasing (walka)
  • Inequalities - lack of equality or fair treatment (nierówność)
  • Upheaval - great change, especially causing much difficulty (niepokój, gwałtowna zmiana)